Routific is a route optimization web app that generates efficient delivery routes for delivery businesses. Route planners upload orders to Routific, and Routific outputs delivery routes. As a product designer at Routific, one of my projects was to design a details sidebar for orders.
The orders that users upload into Routific contain a lot of information. Orders typically have an order ID, a delivery address, the customer and their contact information, a requested delivery time window, the required vehicle capacity, and delivery instructions for the driver. In some extreme cases, orders may also contain additional information for internal reference, like invoice IDs. After an order is scheduled for delivery, users will also need to see the delivery status and proof of delivery.
Users need to be able to easily scan these order details in Routific when they are seeking out specific pieces of information about an order.
The solution I designed allows users to easily scan the details of an order to find what they’re looking for. This solution also establishes a pattern and will be applied to details sidebars for other data objects in the future.
The sidebar is styled more like a card for consistency with Routific’s use of card-like panels for major layout elements.
Its placement on the right-hand side of the screen is consistent with the app’s pattern of increasing specificity from left to right, and works whether the other panels on the screen are stacked horizontally or vertically.
To maximize information density and readability, the details are displayed in a 2-column layout. The details are also grouped into 2 sections: a section for the delivery-related information, and a section for the order’s originally uploaded details.
Major CTAs that move the order forward in the user journey are housed in the sidebar’s footer for emphasis and styled to be more emphasized. All other actions are housed in the sidebar’s header, and styled to be more subtle.
Throughout the order's life cycle, more information is added to the delivery details. The sidebar design works well across different stages of an order’s life cycle.